Database Software Development Videos and Tutorials - MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, NoSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
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VoltDB: An Elephant, an Ant Colony and a Ferret Walk into a Database…

VoltDB presents a use-case based overview of what VoltDB is and the types of problems it helps to solve. We’ll also discuss some newer VoltDB features, including the WAN replication beta functionality and command logging (a durable write-ahead log). This will be an interactive presentation and questions from the group …

The Transaction Manifesto: A Direction for NoSQL Database Technology

Every application that needs to support simultaneous clients (concurrency) should be built using transactions with ACID properties. As the NoSQL databases technology matures, transactions will play an increasingly prominent role. In this article, David Rosenthal and Stephen Pimentel explains that transactions are the simplest and strongest programming model available to …