Common Issues with SQL Dates
This short video explains common issues with SQL dates in less than 10 minutes. [youtube gu0WJJXgEFM]
This short video explains common issues with SQL dates in less than 10 minutes. [youtube gu0WJJXgEFM]
CUBRID is a comprehensive open source relational database management system highly optimized for WebApplications. Now twice faster and 90% compatible with MySQL SQL syntax. In this tutorial you will learn what Uniform Server is, how it works, and how to use it. [youtube _wCWFigQjOM]
This video discuses Sybase Control Center (SCC) architecture and features. Key features highlighted include the collection of monitoring of data, email notification and historical reporting. [youtube NOtGgs3fMAg]
We are inundated with copious amounts of data day in and day out. We manage volumes of the stuff. We Produce it, archive it, throw it away, and sometimes, if we are lucky, we look at it and we find a story. This talk is about examining and visualizing data …
The video discusses performance issues related to big data without getting too technical. The take is on how to keep big data indexed. [youtube tMVpIwbaW-A]
Razi Sharir of Xeround, Jim Starkey from NimbusDB, Mike Miller of Cloudant and Barry Zane of ParAccel discuss their approaches to solving the way RDBMSs scale in the cloud environment and the common use cases and applications to benefit from each solution at the 2011 Structureconf.